Prompts, Prods, and Panic

Have you noticed how things in the field just aren’t getting any easier? Hospitals and SNFs are still requiring ridiculous productivity…school SLPs still have ridiculous caseloads…and the scope of practice just gets bigger and bigger while the Code of Ethics gets longer and longer. Where is it going to end?

Unfortunately, these ever increasing demands are a vicious cycle. More and more SLPs are leaving the field – not just changing from schools to SNF or Hospital to Schools or private practice…but leaving completely. Burned out. Now, when I talk to different faculty, they comment that we’re not going into the field for a life-time career…but rather a temporary career of 10-15 years…When I talk to SLPs, they say they’re burned out and just can’t do it anymore. For some the joy of helping others is still there…but it seems to be diminishing more and more. Something has to change…but what? How can I affect that change?
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