Who is to blame? We are.

I’ve had a post on pseudoscience drifting around in my head for a while now and it just isn’t coming together the way I want. I won’t bore you with the particulars of it, but know that there will be one coming…sometime. In the meantime, while pursuing those elusive thoughts, I’ve been trying to figure out WHY we have such an influx of pseudoscience cropping up.  Continue reading

Adventures with despair,happiness, and change!

No matter where we turn in the last few days, we are surrounded by news on the inauguration, cabinet choices, fashion sense, and people in general expressing great pleasure and equally great despair. On Facebook there are posts proudly proclaiming marching in peaceful protests for women’s rights and/or against the current president (note: they are not necessarily one and the same). There are an equal number of people telling those marching to “get over it.”

There are posts against the president’s pick for cabinet members. There are an equal number of posts saying “give it time, give them a chance.”

There’s one thing ALL of these posts have in common… Continue reading

Something to think about

In our field, billing for insurance and medicaid is a necessary evil (it seems).

Recently, omedical-billing-claim-denials-resized-600n the ASHA community page someone commented about billing for medicaid. I’ve heard the discussion before, and it was definitely one of the things I’ve asked about in interviews…but there’s two very different sides. I’d love your opinion on each side.  Continue reading

Blurred Lines

I feel the strong need to preface this post, mainly because I suspect it will anger many people. However, before you get too angry, please read all the way to the end…and then if you want to comment – walk away for a few minutes before you hit send. I’d love a discussion, but don’t really want a debate, and I won’t argue. I’ve been considering this post for a while and I’ve resisted it for a couple of reasons. One, I’m not sure I’ve fully considered all aspects. Two, I’m not sure I have a solution (and I hate to be a part of a problem with out a solution). And three, the alternatives suck. If that hasn’t scared you off…  Continue reading

Milestones? Nah…why bother!

Happy Better Hearing and Speech Month! This post has been sort of percolating for a while and with Better Hearing and Speech Month’s focus on early intervention and the recent influx of new grads it seems relevant.

Recently, while speaking with many of my SLP friends on twitter, some expressed distress that articulation norms are so often misunderstood or misused. I wanted to write a post about it a few weeks ago and prudence dictated I wait until I wasn’t quite so…frustrated.

Then, a couple days ago, I had the distinct pleasure of reading a post on the way language milestones are often misunderstood. That post, from Teach me to Talk, is available here. I have to say, I honestly hadn’t considered how language milestones are interpreted…but it’s absolutely true they are misunderstood or maybe ignored much the way articulation norms are misused.

But it really drove home how we tend to view milestones or normative charts not as how they were meant to be used – but how they best work in our favor. Continue reading

Frustrations, Fights, and Futility

Every so often, on social media, there’s a resurgence of “old” discussions: caseload vs workload, pseudoscience vs science, baseball vs football (okay, not really or if it is I don’t listen). Usually these resurgences are pretty regular, every 5-6 months or so on twitter and every couple of weeks on Facebook.

A couple of months ago, I created an online survey to ask SLPs about their workload manageability and what they’ve done to alleviate the situation (if it was negative). The results…astounded me…

and saddened me…

and, to be honest, disheartened me. The results are below:

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Advocacy in SLP, part I

Advocacy…Advocacy…who has the Advocacy…

Also known as 7 Habits of the Burnt-Out SLP

In preparation for a new series of posts on advocacy (SLPs and caseloads really), I have decided to repost the July 2012 post on Adventures in Advocacy.  There are two other Advocacy posts here and here. Please take a moment and check them out…They are relevant.

In the not too distant future (hopefully), I will be posting the results of a survey I conducted in April. To say the results were disturbing is an understatement. But…there’s always hope…right?   pulling hair

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