Quit reading the comments…

Do you read the comments in posts on Facebook?

Next time you do, I encourage you to take a moment and tally up positive comments vs negative comments – and not JUST on SLP posts…but in normal everyday posts. The last time I did this, the negative comments far outweighed the positive ones.

Now, have you ever considered what impact your words have on others?

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Lessons in Social Skills…

This post has been building for a while now. Social skills are an important part of everyday life. We need good social skills in order to know how to interact with people. We teach social skills to our clients.

I may be dating myself a bit but, do you know the internet is not all that old. Social networking platforms Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs), AOL, and ICQ have given way to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Social media is everywhere and it is nearly impossible to get away from it. People are posting, commenting, responding, and interacting all day long. It can be a wonderful tool!

But… Continue reading

Time and Change

I realized, as I was sitting at my computer the other day, that it has been far too long since I’ve written a meaningful blog post. I have any number of excuses… the new job is a bit of a time suck (it is), I’ve quit following most of the SLP pages on Facebook (I have) so I don’t have my fingers in as many issues for inspiration (absolutely true)… But if I’m completely honest, none of those are why I haven’t written a post.  Continue reading

Prompts, Prods, and Panic

Have you noticed how things in the field just aren’t getting any easier? Hospitals and SNFs are still requiring ridiculous productivity…school SLPs still have ridiculous caseloads…and the scope of practice just gets bigger and bigger while the Code of Ethics gets longer and longer. Where is it going to end?

Unfortunately, these ever increasing demands are a vicious cycle. More and more SLPs are leaving the field – not just changing from schools to SNF or Hospital to Schools or private practice…but leaving completely. Burned out. Now, when I talk to different faculty, they comment that we’re not going into the field for a life-time career…but rather a temporary career of 10-15 years…When I talk to SLPs, they say they’re burned out and just can’t do it anymore. For some the joy of helping others is still there…but it seems to be diminishing more and more. Something has to change…but what? How can I affect that change?
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Time for new…or renew…or…something.

Can you believe it is almost March and Mardi Gras?

mardi_gras_maskIn an effort to stop procrastination (I’m thinking about giving it up for Lent) and be more positive, I am debating on what to be when I grow up. For years, I was content being a school-based speech language pathologist. I was good at it, it was rewarding, and I had a dream position (really…I did!)

Now, I’m working at a university (which is very different, I love teaching new SLPs who to do what I love). This position, while not direct therapy, is also very rewarding. I’m shaping the very fabric of the profession – how awesome is that?  Continue reading

Who is to blame? We are.

I’ve had a post on pseudoscience drifting around in my head for a while now and it just isn’t coming together the way I want. I won’t bore you with the particulars of it, but know that there will be one coming…sometime. In the meantime, while pursuing those elusive thoughts, I’ve been trying to figure out WHY we have such an influx of pseudoscience cropping up.  Continue reading

Hubris, Humor, and Humility

I know…I know…It has been a while since I’ve posted, and for that I apologize. I’d like to blame it on the new work role, or the move to a (much) larger community, or moving 3 times in 1 month…but in reality, the delay has simply been because I haven’t felt that…nudge. I’ve been trying to force a blog post, which never works for me. Today though, today, I felt the nudge that said “YOU NEED TO WRITE ME NOW!!!” So…guess what?  Continue reading

Don’t bother reading the research!

Say what?

You heard me…Don’t bother reading the research!

Are you wondering why I would possibly say something like that? I mean, speech-language pathology IS a science based career, right? Anyone who has read me here or on Facebook/Twitter, knows that evidence based practice and research is something that I drone on (and on and on) about…so why on earth would I possibly say don’t bother?

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Yes, it’s the New Year…and yes, it’s time for resolutions if you do them (I don’t).

For me, the New Year isn’t a time of resolutions, it’s a time of reflection. What did I accomplish? What did I not accomplish? Which direction am I heading?

It’s also the time to consider potential changes and act on them. Not in a resolution sort of way…but in a goal setting sort of way.  Continue reading