Why FASD is a spectrum disorder

When you think of spectrum disorders, the one most people consider is Autism. We all know autism can have a huge variability in symptoms. Some individuals with autism are non-verbal, others are highly verbal. Some have significant behavior issues, others don’t. What many people don’t know is that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (the old name) also is a true spectrum disorder (hence the name change to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder). Continue reading

Pondering FASD

Recently I had the opportunity to take part in a webinar on speechpathology.com (if you aren’t a member and want to join, feel free to click here [disclaimer: I receive a credit toward membership if you join after following that link]). The webinar was on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and how to improve outcomes, presented by Dan Dubovsky, MSW FASD Specialist.

To say it was mind-blowing is an understatement. Continue reading

The Filter Approach – A book review

I am always on the lookout for something new to use with students. I was recently sent a copy of The Filter Approach: Social Communication Skills for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Stephanie Sanders to review. (Disclosure: I receive a copy of the book at no charge, and I have not as of yet implemented this method with a student.) That said, the approach seems to have some merit. There is a website that discusses more about the book as well (The Filter Approach) and also discussed the author background, and provides a link to purchase the book.  Continue reading

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Can fathers be blamed too?

I almost didn’t have a Research Tuesday post. I could come up with some pithy excuses, but they’d just be excuses…suffice it to say, there was nothing that really spoke to me that I’d read. In fact, I wondered if I’d been burnt out from reading all these articles (not really!). Then I was speaking with a teacher in my school and remembered I had stored away an article to use for my own research and hadn’t yet. It was relevant, and interesting, and … uhm…maybe a bit controversial. So…I had to use it…right? I had to! First, though, I have to give a shout out to Tatyana Elleseff at Smart Speech Therapy for providing the link to me (I’ll bet she never expected me to use it this way!). It’s a bit different…and has an odd flow to it, but it’s here. So…without further ado…I bring you Research Tuesday!

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